Why Is My Google Play Store Not Working on My Android phone

Know about the ways to fix the issue of Google play store not working on android
Google Play is a digital service developed by Google which is the official app store in the Android operating system gadgets. It allows its users to browse and download the applications developed in the Software Development Kit of Android. It is the store of digital media which comprises of movies, music, books, etc. The applications downloaded through the Google Play Store can either be chargeable or free of cost.
In case of Google Play Store not working, the user is unable to avail the services offered by Google Play. In order to make it work and use the play store, the below listed steps can be followed:
Check date and time :
For the functioning of Play Store, Google takes the date and time of smartphone having Android as it's on the operating system. In case, if Google is unable to get the time, it may cause an issue in syncing of data and hence there is a possibility of Google Play store unable to work.
Check internet connection :
The user can try checking the internet connection of the phone by switching the mobile data to Wi-Fi or vice versa. If still the problem persists, the airplane mode can also be tried. If this play store also does not work, then the router should be rest and the issue can be resolved.
Latest version of Google Play :
The user is required to install the latest version of Google Play if is not updated automatically as it might be stopping the application to work.
Clear cache :
In order to make the application work, the cache of the Google Play Store should be cleared. After clearing the cache it might start working.
Reset Google account :
The user can try resetting the Google account on the Phone. This solution a bit more attention while carrying out the process.
Check disabled apps :
If the user has disabled any application just before the Google Play Store stopped working, it needs to be enabled again for the proper functioning of the application. It can be done in the settings section of the android phone.
Disable VPN :
Sometimes, a user installs a VPN on the mobile for personal use. There could be a possibility of VPN causing the issue with the Google Play Store. The user can try uninstalling the VPN from the phone as it may result in the proper working of the Google Play Store.
Enable download manager :
In case, if the download manager has been disabled, it might be causing issue in the working of the Google Play Store. The working can be checked by enabling the download manager in the play store.
Uninstall Google Play Updates :
The new version of Google Play may be a cause of Google Play Store not working. The solution could be uninstalling the updates of Google Play Store. The option is present in the settings of the android phone.
Perform Factory Reset :
If the user is still facing the issue, then there is an option of factory reset on the android smartphone. In this usually all the data is lost. So, before performing this step, the user needs a complete backup of the phone which has all the important information. This step should be the last option to perform in case of Google play not working.
In case if the user is still facing any issue with the Google Play or any other query regarding the android phone, the tech support of Google can be contacted. The contact details of the technical people in customer service can be found on the official webpage of the Google.


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